Loan Payment Options
From Another Financial Institution
- You may be able to set up automatic payments to be sent from your other financial institution. Reach out to the instition for information on wheter this would be an available option.
- With SCCU Netteller Home Banking you are able to link another financial institution to your SCCU account using the Interbank Transfer option, once linked you can make loan payments or deposits electonically. Follow these steps to set-up Interbank Transfers for your loan payment
From Your SCCU Account
- Automatically
- Set the account up to transfer the amount due on the due date or transfer a set amount to the loan when a direct deposit posts to the account. Stop by the branch at 958 W. Monroe Street, Jackson, MI 49202 or call us at (517) 787-2220 to have us set this up for you
- Set the account up to transfer the amount due on the due date or transfer a set amount to the loan when a direct deposit posts to the account. Stop by the branch at 958 W. Monroe Street, Jackson, MI 49202 or call us at (517) 787-2220 to have us set this up for you
- Manually
- Via Personal Teller: Using a touch-tone phone you can access your account immediately with South Central Personal Teller by calling (800) 572-3279.
- Via Netteller Home Banking/SCCU Mobile App: Enroll via the mobile app or call us at (517) 787-2220 to enroll with a SCCU representative.
Pay at a CO-OP Shared Branch
- There are more than 5,000 CO-OP Shared Branches across the United States. To find one near you visit CO-OP Shared Branching here.
Mail Payment
- You can mail a check or money order to 958 W. Monroe St., Jackson, MI 49202. Please be sure to put your loan account number on your check for accurate payment processing.
Pay in Person
- Visit SCCU at 958 W. Monroe St., Jackson, MI 49202
Debit Card Payment
- To pay using a Debit Card call us at (517) 787-2220. A $5.00 processing fee will be charged.