2014 Jeep Patriot Repossession For Sale.  More Details and Bidding Instructions HERE

Our Field of Membership:

To become a member visit South Central Credit Union or click on the Membership Application below.  You will need a valid state photo ID (or student ID if under 16) and your social security number (card not required as long it matches credit check).

Membership Application


Member Identification Requirements:

  • In accordance to Section 326 of the USA PATRIOT ACT, all financial institutions are required to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account or changes an existing account.
  • The federal requirement applies to all new and current members. This information is used to assist the US Government in the fight against funding of terrorism and money-laundering activities.    

What this means to you: 
When you open an account or change an existing account, we will ask each person for their name, physical address, mailing address, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify them. We will ask to see each person's drivers license or state ID with a secondary form of identification (ie: utility bill, social security card, club membership card, etc). We will then copy or record information from identification.

We proudly support all efforts to protect and maintain the security of our members and our country.  For more information on the US PATRIOT ACT, click here.

Proud to Provide Membership to the Following:


  • Anyone who lives, works, worships, or attends school in counties of Branch, Calhoun, Eaton, Hillsdale, Ingham, Jackson, Lenawee, Livingston and Washtenaw in the State of Michigan.
  • Any immediate family member of a current primary member related by blood or marriage, including living or not living in the same household.
  • City of Jackson Michigan employees and pensioners (retirees).
  • County of Jackson Michigan employees and pensioners (retirees).
  • Michigan Railroaders employees and family members.
  • Employees of the Jackson County Michigan Townships of Blackman, Leoni and Summit.
  • Employees of South Central Credit Union.
  • Any member of one of our many Select Employee Groups (SEGs).  A SEG is a company, department or building designated as an eligible membership group. For a list of our SEG groups click here.


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