2014 Jeep Patriot Repossession For Sale.  More Details and Bidding Instructions HERE

To become a member, fill out this form and submit it to South Central Credit union.  You will need a valid state photo ID and your social security number (card not required as long it matches credit check).
Membership requirements

  • Anyone who lives, works, worships, or attends school in counties of Branch, Calhoun, Eaton, Hillsdale, Ingham, Jackson, Lenawee, Livingston and Washtenaw in the State of Michigan.
  • Any immediate family member of a current primary member related by blood or marriage, including living or not living in the same household.
  • City of Jackson Michigan employees and pensioners (retirees).
  • County of Jackson Michigan employees and pensioners (retirees).
  • Michigan Railroaders employees and family members.
  • Employees of the Jackson County Michigan Townships of Blackman, Leoni and Summit.
  • Employees of South Central Credit Union.

SCCU Membership Application

* Required Fields

By signing above, you are authorizing SCCU to obtain your credit report and you are authorizing SCCU to contact your VIA text and email.

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