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We are a local team brought together to bring our members financial services and solutions.  Dedicated to our community and giving the personalized service each individual deserves while keeping your finances in our neighborhood.

Our History

South Central Credit Union was organized as Tri-County State Employees Credit Union on June 16, 1954. At that time it was housed in the accounting department of the prison. In 1986 the name was changed to South Central State Employees Credit Union, when Tri-County merged with Sparton Employees Credit Union. Since that time we have once again changed our name to South Central Credit Union, merged with Railroaders Credit Union and Jackson City County Credit Union. 

The Credit Union was organized for the purpose of promoting thrift among its members and to create a source of credit for them at legitimate rates of interest for provident purposes.

The biggest field of membership for the credit union is with employees of Southern Michigan Prison in Jackson County in addition to other state employees in the nine county area that we serve.

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