SCCU Account Maintenance Forms
This form is used to update your mailing and your physical address associated with your account.
This form may be used to dispute a transaction on your Debit MasterCard. Please use this form to explain the details of your dispute.
Use this form to consent to the acceptance of notices, disclosures and other communications and may also consent to periodic statements from SCCU by means of electronic delivery.
Use this form to Opt-In or Opt-Out to overdraft privileges for your South Central Credit Union Debit or ATM Card. SCCU will not pay your overdrafts for ATM withdrawals and every day debit card purchases you make at a store, online or by telephone unless you tell us you want overdraft privilege for these transactions.
This form is used to defer your next loan payment. You may submit a request for this once in a 12-month period.
A travel notice needs to be filed for each individual cardholder that will be traveling
- Domestic Wire Transfer Request - Print/View
- International Wire Transfer Request - Print/View
These forms are used to send or receive funds to a domestic or international account. Wires sent within the United States typically arrive at the receiving institution within 24 hours. Wires sent internationally will vary based on the destination country and receiving institution.
This form may be used to dispute an unauthorized debit through a ACH transaction. Please use this form to explain the details of your dispute.